Floral Park
Fire Department
Serving With Pride For 125 Years

The Floral Park Fire Department Rescue Company was organized in 1929, under the guidance of Arthur J. Ennis who was an acting fire department Warden at the time.
In this new millennium the Floral Park Fire Department responds to over 1,550 runs annually, and the Rescue Company’s ambulance responds to the vast majority of those runs, attesting to their company patch which boasts ‘Floral Park’s Busiest’. In fact, in all of Nassau County, the FPFD is the only Volunteer Fire Department with only one ambulance that responds first due within its service area. Both neighboring fire departments, New Hyde Park and Elmont, are Fire Districts, each having two ambulances, and are ‘third due’ in their own response area. The Elmont FD actually has a higher call volume than Floral Park, but again, is third due to the Nassau County Police Emergency Ambulance Bureau. No discernable reason for the disparity, other than protocol.
We, your volunteer fire department, are always in need of new, dedicated members. The responsibilities are great, but so are the rewards. The Floral Park Fire Department Rescue Company is the only company within the Department that offers an EMS/Non-Firematic membership. This means that you do not necessarily have to become a firefighter. We do have Class ‘A’, interior structural firefighters within the company, and it is the option of every prospective member to become one.
If you do not wish to attend firefighter training, you will be required to become an Emergency Medical Technician within your first year of membership. There is no cost to you and you will be trained in all aspects of basic life support as a first responder: initially Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Automatic-External Defibrillation (AED), and first aid. The curriculum for EMT is wider than that for a first responder, for example: bleeding control, fracture management, child birth, and extrication, to name just a few. These are just some of the basic life support skills.
After your first year or two of service you will have the opportunity to become an advanced life support provider, EMT-CC (critical care), or Paramedic. The medical protocols are doubled, as are the rewards. You will learn to administer intravenous drugs/fluids (IV’s), intubation’s (passing a breathing tube into the lungs), and many other skills which you may have never heard of. You’ll be embarking on an adventure you’ve never even imagined. And, as in many a new member’s experience, you may find a career field in the process. The bottom line is: how dedicated are you? It takes time, energy, and commitment, but it provides some of the best rewards you’ll ever experience.
I encourage you, after reading this, to give thoughtful consideration to the most rewarding commitment you could ever make. I guarantee, you will not be disappointed, if you are a team player. Please call 516-326-6328 for more information, ask for a Chief or Rescue Company officer.