Floral Park
Fire Department
Serving With Pride For 125 Years

Floral Park Fire Explorer Post 129 was organized in 1981. They are a sub-division of the Boy Scouts of America, and are part of the Floral Park Volunteer Fire Department. Any boy or girl between the ages of 14 to 20 can submit an application to join our Fire Explorer Post. Each Fire Explorer will be trained in basic fire suppression techniques and Emergency Medical Service (EMS) skills. Fire Explorer drills are conducted every other Sunday morning and all training and uniforms are provided free of charge.
Fire Explorers perform both community service projects and fund raising events. Our Fire Explorer Post also helps at emergency scenes by assisting firefighters in such tasks as changing out air bottles and setting up fire line tape (a protective barrier to help keep the public at a safe distance away from danger).
Since their organization in 1981, our Fire Explorers have assisted on the North Shore after hurricane damage as they packed up their shovels and helped in cleaning up the area. They also provided support to our firefighters during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks as they were preparing to respond to and provide mutual aid assistance to the FDNY.
When our firefighters are preparing their apparatus and equipment for our annual Memorial Day inspection and parade, our Fire Explorers assume an active, hands-on involvement, in making sure everything is perfect.
Our Fire Explorer Post is a great place for young people to learn about the volunteer fire service, your community, and above all to help your neighbors. Most Fire Explorers do become sworn, active volunteer firefighters and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT's). While many Fire Explorers go on to attend college or to serve in the US Armed Forces, they often rejoin the ranks of the Floral Park Volunteer Fire Department upon their return.
Please consider becoming a helping hand as a Floral Park Fire Explorer and call or visit the Chiefs office (east side of Village Hall) or call 326-6328 to receive an application